Thursday 7 November 2013

Genius, Influence, Insight

After listening to Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball for the 77th time this week I feel that it is time for me to list my inspirations. Unfortunately, Miley doesn't make the cut. Her tunes on-the-hole aren't exactly my cup of tea but I do love Destruction Sphere. I shall refrain from discussing whether or not I agree with her performance at the VMAs or the music video for Wrecking Ball but I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL! ...Sorry about that. I'm not sure what came over me. (Was it a Wrecking Ball?! *a dog barks in the distance as tumbleweed rolls across the stage*)

So, inspirations, inspirazioni, Вдохновение.... the people who inspire us are personal and one can be inspired in any number of ways. This time around I am going to focus on the people that have inspired me to aim for the career I want and the route I'd like my life to take. Here is my list:

  • Caitlin Moran
  • Caroline Aherne
  • Victoria Wood
  • Peter Kay
  • Ross Noble
  • Catherine Tate
  • Julie Walters
  • Benedict Cumberbatch
  • John Van De Ruit
(there are probably more that have temporarily slipped my mind)

Caitlin Moran is the Zeus Inspirer. She is the embodiment of everything I want to achieve. I intend to go about being a mental, hilarious feminist power-house a bit differently however. I cannot divulge my action plan unfortunately- that would be telling. Beside Almighty Moran are Victoria Wood, Julie Walters, Caroline Aherne, Ross Noble and Peter Kay. Victoria Wood in my opinion has made it. The worst kind of person is the person who says "Women. Aren't. Funny." My response will always be "You absolute knobcake" (Knobcake. Excellent word courtesy of an excellent friend). THERE ARE WOMEN LIKE VICTORIA WOOD, FELICITY WARD AND CAROLINE AHERNE WALKING THIS PLANET- DO YOUR M*****-******G RESEARCH, YOU MORONIC INDIVIDUAL. Women are very funny. Very.

The next layer of my delectable inspiration sponge cake includes John Van De Ruit, Benedict Cumberbatch and Catherine Tate. JVDR wrote the funniest series of books in existence (Spud series well worth Amazon-ing), Benedict Cumberbatch is currently the best young male actor in Britain (something I aspire to be) and Catherine Tate is an all-rounder- clever, first rate at acting and often bloody hilarious. You are lying to yourself if you dispute the fact that Tate/Tennant was the best Doctor Who partnership ever. 

So those are my inspiracije. Role models, if you will. Good things to have, even better things to live up to.


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